For Further Iyun
A. Chazal tell us that the "mal'ach" was the "sar shel Eisav" - Eisav's guardian angel.

B. There is a Midrash that tells us 'Yaakov avinu lo meyt' - Yaakov never died. C. Although Rachel dies prematurely, and Reuven behaves in a unfitting manner, the unit which began with "toldot Yitzchak" (25:19) now concludes with:
"And the sons of Yaakov remained twelve in number..." (35:22-29)
Explain the structure of the finale of this unit based on the above shiur.

D. Toldot Eisav
"Yitzchak was chosen. Therefore, we need to follow the toldot of Eisav, just as we needed to follow the toldot of Yishmael and Lot."

E. Brit Milah and God's Blessing to Yaakov
A quick analysis of God's final blessing to Yaakov at Bet El (35:9-15) immediately shows that it is reflective of Brit Milah (Breishit perek 17). The name of Kel Shaddai; pru u'rvu; khal goyim and mlachim..; shem Elokim; and the concept of l'hiyot lcha l'Elokim can all be found at Brit Milah.

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