Realism or Laziness
It is precisely at this point that Yaakov's struggle with the mal'ach takes place: after his preparation to bow down to Eisav, but before the actual confrontation. This order of events suggests a thematic relationship between this struggle and that confrontation.

A major controversy exists among the commentators as to whether Yaakov was correct in this total subjugation to his brother. Some hold that Yaakov should have openly confronted his brother while putting his total faith in God, while others maintain that due to the circumstances, his timid strategy was appropriate. [This 'hashkafic' controversy continues until this very day].

Regardless of the 'political correctness' of his actions, the situation remains that Yaakov is unable to openly confront Eisav. Nevertheless, God finds it necessary that Yaakov prove himself capable of fighting should such a situation arise in the future. Yaakov must now demonstrate that his subjugation to Eisav stems from political realism rather than spiritual laziness. He must prove that, when necessary, he will be capable of fighting. [Sooner or later, confrontations with the likes of Eisav will be encountered when establishing a nation.]

Possibly for this reason, God must test Yaakov's potential to engage in battle with his enemy before he meets Eisav. Yaakov finds this struggle with the "mal'ach" difficult, for he is untrained; the contest continues all night until the 'break of dawn.' [Possibly, 'night' represents galut, and 'dawn,' redemption. See Ramban, al atar.] Although wounded and limping, Yaakov emerges victorious from this confrontation, thus earning his new name:

"Your name shall no longer be Yaakov, but Yisrael, for you have fought with beings divine ('elokim') and human ('anashim') and triumphed." (32:29)
Thus, the name 'Yisrael' reflects the character of one triumphant in battle. Yaakov's new name is significant for it reflects his capability to engage head on in battle. In order to become a nation, this trait - represented by the name 'Yisrael' - is crucial.

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