Parshat Vayishlach -
Yaakov's Name Change to Yisrael

(To prepare for this shiur,
see the questions for self study.)

Even though Yaakov's name change to Yisrael appears to be quite similar to Avram's name change to Avraham (compare 17:5 with 35:10), in essence, they are very different. In contrast with Avraham, where a single letter ["heh"] is added to the existing name, Yisrael constitutes an entirely new name. Furthermore, 'Yisrael' serves as an alternative name for Yaakov, in contrast with Avraham which became a replacement!

In this week's shiur, we explain how the nature of this name change may reflect a very critical stage in the development of the "bechira" process in Sefer Breishit.

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