We begin our shiur by charting out the flow of topics from parshia to parshia within Parshat Va'yishlach. See Board #1. (It is highly recommended that you click on the chart in Board #1 in order to open it in a separate browser window, so you can easily refer to it throughout the shiur.)

A careful study of this series of events raises several serious questions.

When Yaakov first left Eretz Canaan on his way to Padan Aram, God promised to 'be with him' and see to his safe return (28:15). In response to this divine promise, Yaakov made a "neder" (vow) that, should God keep His promise, he will return to Bet-El and establish a Bet-Elokim (see 28:18-22). Undoubtedly, Yaakov's safe return from Padan Aram requires his fulfillment of that neder. In fact, God Himself mentions Yaakov's promise when He commands him to 'return home':

"I am the God of Bet-El, where you anointed a matzeyva, to whom you vowed a neder. Now get up and leave this land and return to the land of your fathers." (see 31:11-13)
Therefore, upon his return, we should expect Yaakov to go immediately to Bet-El to fulfill his "neder." (See Board #2) However, for some reason, he travels first to Shechem and stays there (parshiyot B and C). (See Board #3)

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