Rivka Knows Best
Rivka knows something that Yitzchak doesn't! Recall that when she was pregnant with Yaakov and Esav, Rivka senses a struggle, and seeks God for an explanation (see 25:22).

God's answer to her (and not to Yitzchak!) already alludes to the fact that the bechira process has not yet ended:

Because of this prophecy, Rivka knows something that Yitzchak does not - that her twins are destined to become two nations, and hence, only one of them can be chosen. Realizing this, and knowing from that same prophecy that it must be the younger brother (see 25:23, "v'rav ya'avod tza'ir"), Rivka knows that Yaakov is destined to receive bechira, and not Esav.

Yitzchak, however, is unaware of this prophecy. [Note 25:23: "va'yomer Hashem lah" - to her, and not to him!]

It is not clear why Rivka never informs Yitzchak of this prophecy. She may assume that Yitzchak also knows, and only later realizes that he doesn't (see Ramban 27:4). Alternately, she may understand that it is God's intention for only her to know, and not Yitzchak. Whatever the reason may be, as the children grow up, each parent has a different perception of their destiny. Yitzchak assumes that both Yaakov and Esav are chosen (Board #2), while Rivka knows that it will only be Yaakov (Board #3).

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